Legislative Victory! Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to get HB 900 across the finish line


May 24, 2023 | Austin, TX

Just before midnight last night, the Texas Senate took up HB 900 for the third reading and passed it, without amendments, clearing the way for a signature by the governor. This bill would likely not have made it to the finish line without the persistent outcry from informed parents and conservative voters.

HB 900 is a strong bill with a mechanism to remove sexually explicit materials, a clear definition of those materials, and standards for school libraries. It includes enforcement measures for vendors who will be unable to sell to Texas schools if found in violation of the law. HB 900 is a top priority bill of the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities Committee.

Montgomery County State Representatives Ernest Bailes, Will Metcalf, and Steve Toth are coauthors. Cosponsors include Senators Brandon Creighton and Lois Kolkhorst.

Thank you to everyone who sent emails and made phone calls to get this bill passed and protect Texas kids! Use the information below if you'd like to thank the three ‘P’s - Patterson, Paxton and Patrick, who shepherded this bill without amendments to its conclusion. We are grateful. We've also listed all of our Montgomery County Legislators who are fighting hard for us in this Legislative Session.


Author: Rep. Jared Patterson (Dist. 106)
(512) 463-0694
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Sponsor: Sen. Angela Paxton (Dist. 8)
(512) 463-0108
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Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
(512) 463-0001
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Sen. Brandon Creighton (Dist. 4)
(512) 463-0104 (Austin Office)
(281) 292-4128 (District Office)
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Senator Paul Bettencourt (Dist. 7)
(512) 463-0107 (Austin Office)
(713) 464-0282 (District Office)
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Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (Dist. 18)
(512) 463-0118 (Austin Office)
(979) 251-7888 (District Office)
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Rep. Cecil Bell (Dist. 3)
(512) 463-0650 (Austin office)
(281) 259-3700 (District office)
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Rep. Steve Toth (Dist. 15)
(512) 463-0797 (Austin office)
(346) 220-0300 (District office)
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Rep. Will Metcalf (Dist. 16)
(512) 463-0726 (Austin office)
(936) 539-0068 (District office)
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Rep. Ernest Bailes (Dist. 18)
(512) 463-0570 (Austin office)
(936) 628-6687 (District office)
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The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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